American Kiko Goat Association®
Pedigree Search

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 Animal Name:   AKGA Reg. No:  
 Breeder Name or #:   DNA Status:
 Owner Name or #:   Classification:  
 Gender:   Sire Name:  
 State/Province:   Dam Name:  
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Fill in the search criteria that interest you and leave the rest blank. Most of the fields accept partial input (for example, part of an animal's name). Once you've filled in the desired criteria, click the Begin Search button to find all matching animals. The results will appear below (you may have to scroll).

How to Read the Registration Numbers:

The first one or two digits in a registration number are the goat's year of birth. The letter or letters following the year of birth indicate the classification or subset within a classification the goat is registered in with the AKGA. Purebreds are always either K or P, with K indicating a solid white goat and P a goat of any color other than solid white. X, Y, and Z indicate a 1/2, 3/4, or 7/8 Kiko crossbred, respectively. NZG, NG, GNK, GNY, GNZ and TXG indicate the various levels of the GenemasterTM program the goat is registered in.

The AKGA is the oldest and largest of all Kiko breed registries. The AKGA has been officially an Association with an ongoing and continuous membership since 1995. The AKGA is the sole owner of the original Kiko registry database developed by the exporter of the Kiko breed to the United States and as such, is the only Kiko registry to possess original documentation of those goats and the many generations following that importation, making the AKGA the owner of the most complete Kiko and GenemasterTM breed data information in the world, through both computerized and documented information. The AKGA is the only Kiko registry to have made corrections to all known inaccurate database entries. The AKGA has the largest repository of Kiko DNA in the world. AKGA pedigrees provide both the animal name and registration number and DNA parentage information available for all animals in the background generations of the goats’ pedigree. 

The information contained in the online searchable database is the property of the AKGA
and may not be copied or reproduced without the express written consent of the AKGA. 

© 2014-2017 American Kiko Goat Association®

All rights reserved.  Unauthorized duplication prohibited.

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Database last updated by AKGA Registrar on Sunday October 20, 2024 at 8:01 PM EDT.

Pedigree search engine designed and developed by Capable Computing, Inc.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication prohibted.